The concept of a neighbourhood is one that many hold dear; childhood memories of the crazy old lady down the street are cherished and our early views of the world and how people interact within it are formed. The notion of ‘neighbourhood’ is also now key to the concept of localised search. As agents then, how do we ensure we get it right and promote it effectively?
Its All About Tracking Conversions

As agents spend more and more of their marketing budget on online advertising, it is important that they truly understand what does or does not work for them. This becomes doublely important with agencies throughout the world under financial pressure and needing to make sure that whatever they spend on marketing generates results.
The following excellent article was recently published by Mike Carter in his Zoomf Blog under the title “2009, year of tracking the conversions”.
Writer’s Block?
Using YouTube to Advertise Properties

With the economy tightening in the US, agents exploring more and more innovative ways in which they can market their properties. One way is to put a video of a property up on YouTube (its free!) and hope for leads to be generated.
The question is, will this actually generate any leads for the realtor?
Know Where Your Leads Are Coming From
Dont Be Baffled by Stats
Video - Is It Worth It?
Buyers are Often Sellers Too!
Often agents tend to think of buyers and sellers as different segments of the market to target. However, when you think about it, buyers are usually looking to up grade or down grade their property and therefore are sellers too. The challenge is making sure all buyers are sold on the agencies sales abilities.