This week’s agent strategy comes from Sydney Australia, and shows how sharing local information can pay off in a big way.
Make the most of your online advertising
This week’s agent strategy comes from Sydney Australia, and shows how sharing local information can pay off in a big way.
In part two of our series, industry commentators argue that agents need to focus on serving and engaging with their clients to stay relevant in the online age.
Welcome to our new Agent Strategies series, where we get the inside word on how agents from across the globe are marketing themselves online.
When potential clients can access a vast range of market information and property listings online, and even buy and sell their own properties via the Internet if they choose, how do agents highlight their value?
It’s generally agreed that the higher the number of legitimate links to your website, the higher it will rank in search engine results. But the key word these days is “legitimate”.
Chances are, there are a number of agents working in or near your area with whom you need to compete. So how do you make sure you stand out?
Many agents gloss over the Internet when presenting to prospective sellers or landlords, even though this medium has been the single most important innovation to the way we do business.
Whether you’re a Foursquare convert or have never heard of location-based mobile social networking before, chances are you’ll be interested in CEO Dennis Crowley’s tips on how to grow a small business.
The results of a recent survey by globaledge.co.uk reveal some interesting disparities between the marketing channels agents see as effective and the channels they actually use.
The top five most effective marketing strategies were seen to be the following:
Up until last week, you might have been content to leave Facebook out of your online marketing strategy. But now that we’ve seen this particular social network topple Google in terms of visits in the US, chances are you’re starting to re-think your position.
Advertising Australia blogging blogs century 21 coldwell banker copywriting Customer Management display advertising email Email Newsletters estatecreate.com facebook FindaProperty.com Google google maps iPhone iPhone App leads Listings mobile advertising mobile phones NAR National Association of Realtors Online Advertising online video Photos Property Listings realestate.com.au rightmove.co.uk SEO single property websites social media social networking top 10 tips trulia.com twitter UK US Video video tours website content widgets YouTube zillow.com
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