According to a survey of our readers, the most successful online marketing strategy isn’t social media or even SEO, but the relatively traditional medium of email newsletters.
Make the most of your online advertising
According to a survey of our readers, the most successful online marketing strategy isn’t social media or even SEO, but the relatively traditional medium of email newsletters.
This time last year, we asked the question: is print media advertising dead, or just dying? Now, the latest figures out of the US show the newspaper ad industry is, at the very least, pretty unhealthy.
redfin.com, an online brokerage based in the US, has just introduced a new feature that displays agents’ comments about a property alongside listings, and also shares private comments about each listing, such as whether the property needs maintenance, with the listing agent.
Each week, we take a look at the top stories in real estate technology from the past seven days. Here are the latest developments from around the world:
There are plenty of options out there for agents who want to get a sense of what’s working - and what’s not - on their website. One of these services is Mouseflow.
We’ve spent plenty of time here at propertyadguru.com highlighting real estate websites that do a great job of covering local information. This is because we know that, like good SEO and social media use, local real estate information is only going to become more important to a successful real estate website as time goes on.
Each week, we take a look at the top stories in real estate technology from the past seven days. Here are the latest developments from around the world:
Lately we’ve been noticing quite a few Twitter updates from real estate agents linking to their very own online newspapers, created with a free application called paper.li.
Each week, we take a look at the top stories in real estate technology from the past seven days. Here are the latest developments from around the world:
Today, we’re taking a look at a blogging tool that could work well for on-the-go agents with very little time to spare: Tumblr.
Agent Strategies agent websites Australia Back to Basics blogs century 21 coldwell banker copywriting Customer Management email facebook FindaProperty.com Google Google AdWords google maps How to iPhone iPhone App leads Linkedin Listings mobile phones NAR National Association of Realtors Photos property portals realestate.com.au redfin.com rightmove.co.uk search engine marketing Search Engine Optimisation SEM SEO SOBOX top 10 tips trulia.com twitter UK US Video website spotlight widgets WordPress YouTube zillow.com
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