January 9, 2011

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Four Ways to Boost Your Facebook Following

Now that we’ve covered some of the ways to gain followers on Twitter, we’re turning our attention to that other social network that has just surpassed Google in terms of US visits - Facebook. Boosting the number of people who hit “like” on your Facebook page isn’t quite as straightforward as increasing your Twitter follower numbers, but it is worth the effort.

As we’ve discussed before, people who “like” your page see your content in their Facebook news feeds each time you update, connecting you to an audience that’s difficult to rival in terms of engagement. After all, the average session time for a user visiting Facebook during September 2010 was 28 minutes and 58 seconds according to a recent Australian Hitwise study.

Here’s what we see successful Facebook pages doing on a regular basis:

1. Offer interesting content. The key with Facebook is to remember that the vast majority of people are using it to connect with friends, so you’ll need to offer particularly interesting posts to grab their attention. If you’re wondering what kind of content works, start by looking at what other successful real estate agencies are posting to their pages, like this great example from Bixby Knolls TV.

2. Don’t bombard, but keep it constant. As with your blog, people following your Facebook updates will appreciate some regularity, rather than a stream of updates one day followed by three days of silence. Remember that clogging up people’s news feeds can quickly turn them off and prompt them to block you.

3. Look into Facebook ads. To reach out to those Facebook users who aren’t in your immediate sphere, you might want to look into starting up a Facebook-based ad campaign. Facebook’s ads are available through pay-per-click or pay-per-impression plans, and you can narrow down your audience to extremely specific demographics. If you decide to go down this path, start with our how-to guide here.

4. Promote wherever possible. Once you have over 25 people signed up to your page, you can go to facebook.com/username and rename your page to something memorable. Then it’s up to you to promote this name everywhere, from your email signature to your business cards, website, blog and even in your Twitter feed.

Have you been using any other strategies to boost your Facebook audience? Let us know what works for you in our comments.


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  7. Facebook vs Twitter 2010
  8. Facebook Places Squares Off with Foursquare
  9. Great Examples of Effective Facebook Pages
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