May 14, 2011

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10 Social Media Terms, Translated


Sometimes social media seems to have a language all its own. Here’s our guide to 10 of the more mystifying terms that regularly pop up on the social web:

What on Earth is Quora?


In the world of online social networking, people tend to keep an eye out for the Next Big Thing - the new social network that will somehow overtake the colossal popularity of Facebook and Twitter. Recently, Quora has moved to centre stage as the next social network to watch. The question is, should real estate agents be looking into it?

New MySpace Reached Most Australian Users


Once the world’s pre-eminent social network, MySpace is now focusing its efforts on the 13-35-year-old demo with a new goal of becoming “the leading entertainment destination that is socially powered by the passions of fans and curators”.

How to Track Your Links with


The folks at have come up with a way keep track of what happens to your links after you publish them, and today we’ll show you just how easy their service is to use.

Getting Started with Flickr


We’re all aware that a well-executed Facebook presence can pay dividends, and that a tool like Twitter can be just the thing to drive online engagement with potential customers.

But there is another, less-hyped cousin of these two popular social networks: Flickr. Done right, your Flickr presence could become yet another social source of leads.

Golden Rules for Social Media ROI


There’s no doubt social media has become a mainstay in our online lives. Whether it’s through a Facebook… Reaches 150,000 Users

realtownlogo, a US online community that aims to cover all things real estate, has now passed the 150,000 registered users mark. Its current total is 153,858 member, which puts it slightly short of’s total of 168,099 members. Social Property Management

US company 4Walls LLC has released their latest service designed to help apartment owners and managers use social media to communicate with their residents and ideally improve engagement and retention rates for their properties.

AgentWorld Moving to iPhone

AgentWorld, the US website that aims to connect buyers and sellers with agents, says an iPhone application is in the works.

AgentWorld Connects Leads With Agents


There’s yet another new US social networking website aiming to connect buyers and sellers with the right real estate agent: AgentWorld.