There is one aspect of blogging that can make all the difference: choosing a title that not only grabs people’s attention, but also secures you a place high up in the right search results.
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There is one aspect of blogging that can make all the difference: choosing a title that not only grabs people’s attention, but also secures you a place high up in the right search results.
With its newest release, it looks like Google will once again send website owners rushing to search results to check their rankings. The search engine giant is calling its +1 button shorthand for “you should check this out,” but is it really that simple?
In a new video in the Google Webmaster Help series Google’s Matt Cutts discusses the pros and cons of keyword domain names. According to Cutts, Google is considering adjusting its algorithm so that keyword domains aren’t given quite as much weight in its rankings.
If you’ve found your website has lost rankings due to Google’s recent changes, or if you just want to double-check that everything is in order for your website’s SEO, check out these previous posts:
Most changes to Google’s ranking algorithms go unnoticed by the wider web, but a recent change targeting duplicate content has some industry commentators warning of significant shifts in rankings.
We all know zeroing in on the right keywords is crucial for real estate website SEO, but do you know how many keywords you should be using per page or blog post to get your SEO just right? Today we’ll look at striking the right balance between helpful keyword use and “keyword stuffing.”
In last week’s SEO Tips for Tight Budgets, we heard Google’s advice on how to climb search engine rankings without breaking the bank. Part of Google’s advice was to give people strong reasons to link to your real estate website, as more links means a more authoritative page. But how do you go about doing this, exactly?
As a real estate agent looking to create a strong online presence, you already know that search engine optimisation should be a key part of your strategy. But what if your marketing budget just won’t stretch to cover an in-house SEO consultant?
By now you know that getting links to your website from other sources is a good way to boost your search engine optimisation, as this makes your website appear more authoritative. But there’s another kind of link that can be just as important to your SEO strategy - the internal links between your own web pages.
Once you understand what SEO is, the next challenge is to make sense of all the new terminology you’ll come across in the world of SEO. Here’s our guide to some of the more commonly used SEO terms:
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