We all know a presence on the social web is important, but how do you handle the seemingly endless stream of updates from your various profiles?
Make the most of your online advertising
We all know a presence on the social web is important, but how do you handle the seemingly endless stream of updates from your various profiles?
New research by Nielsen suggests that the economic downturn may be causing sellers to doubt the FSBO approach, driving them back to real estate agents’ offices.
We all know a great real estate blog is essential for online visibility, but a common complaint among agents is that creating and maintaining a blog simply takes up too much time. The good news is, there are services out there built specifically for time-poor bloggers.
Facebook’s biggest advertisers have increased spending by at least 10-fold over the past 12 months, while some advertisers have boosted their spend 20-fold or even more.
SOBOX, the social media tool created by propertyadguru.com publisher Classified Ad Ventures, has announced a move to introduce hyper-local content for its customers.
The amount of time we spend on email is quickly being eaten up by time spent on social networks, according to new Nielsen figures.
Web analytics company Woopra has been hard at work answering the question all website owners ask repeatedly: Where can I get more traffic?
Small businesses in the US are spending more on paid advertising and getting more online conversions than they were a year ago, according to a new report from online advertising company WebVisible.
Social Media is rewriting the rules in the real estate industry and the future of print-based advertising is looking less glossy. Kelly Millar shares her opinion.
“We are no more in the real estate business than we are in the cafe or the museum business.” That’s the contention of Carter Maslan, Google’s director of product management, who attended the Inman News Real Estate Connect conference in San Francisco last week.
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