ListGlobally, a new and innovative global marketing tool for agents and developers around the world, has just been released.…
Make the most of your online advertising
“Know more about who you know” is the tagline of Gist, an online contact management service that has real estate agents in its sights.
Agents aren’t the only people in the real estate industry getting in on the growing location trend. Now, US-based listings website homefinder.com is starting up its own location-based marketing campaign.
The results of a recent survey by property specialists movewithus suggests there are plenty of UK agents out there who are not tracking their website traffic.
We’ve just come across a free evaluation tool that could help real estate agents aiming for better Facebook pages - Vitrue’s Social Page Evaluator.
A recent study by Burson-Marsteller found that 79 per cent of the largest 100 companies in the Fortune Global 500 index are using at least one social media platform.
frontdoor.com, the real estate website of cable network channel HGTV, has introduced a set of free, self-serve widgets offering access to video and real estate content.
The latest figures from comScore tell a very convincing story about the growth of Facebook and Twitter - both social networks are still gaining users.
realtor.com owner Move Inc. is catching on to the importance of social media for real estate agents, integrating new social features into the latest release of Top Producer 8i.
It’s been only a few short weeks since the release of Apple’s iPad, but real estate agents have already been hard at work creating their own offerings.
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