October 7, 2011

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What Brings People to Facebook Pages?

What is it that people are looking for when they’re deciding whether to “like” a brand on Facebook? According to Get Satisfaction, a company that helps brands communicate with their customers via social media, what most people are keen to find is the inside word on deals and special offers.

Echoing the results of an Australian study by Sensis and AIMIA, Get Satisfaction found that 36.5 percent of people who were willing to connect with a brand via Facebook did so because they were on the lookout for deals, while 32.9 percent were current customers.

These two groups dwarfed the other categories: only 18.2 percent were looking for “interesting or entertaining content,” just 6.2 percent clicked “like” because their friends did, and a tiny five percent were looking for service, support or product news:

The results for Twitter were very similar, with 43.5 percent of people on the lookout for deals and only 22.7 percent looking for something interesting or entertaining. 23.5 percent of followers were current customers, 6.3 percent had friends who followed the brand, and 3.5 percent wanted service, support or product news.

So what does all that mean for real estate agents? The take away here is clearly that the majority of your Facebook fans and Twitter followers have connected with you to because they’re looking for an advantage when it comes to buying or selling. Your “special offer” doesn’t have to come in the form of a discount on your services - it could just as easily be access to in-depth information on a certain suburb or the first word on market movements.

At the same time, these figures should also be something of a wake-up call to agents who are trying to attract people to the Facebook and Twitter profiles with “interesting or entertaining” updates. This might work to a certain extent, but you’ll soon hit a ceiling, and will miss out on the much larger demographic that are looking to social media to give them the edge.


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