Vancouver Realtor’s Creative 72 Hour Open House

Vancouver Realtor’s Creative 72 Hour Open House

It seems Canada is leading the way with innovative agents grabbing onto any new technology they can find in order to sell properties and offer their knowledge and services.

Earlier this month we reported on a Ian Watts, a Vancouver realtor who’s hit the headlines with his off-the-cuff video blogging, or “vlogging”.

Another Vancouver realtor, Kye Grace, has created a 72 hour online open house.

So what is it? According to the website:

“The 72 Hour Open House is like other Vancouver Real Estate Open Houses, except that it doesn’t stop for 72 hours after it starts. Visitors are welcome to view the property day and night through the weekend. There is no time that you may not come view the property, noon, midnight, 4 am. Whatever works for you, Kye Grace will be there to show you this Gastown loft and highlight the benefits of the Gastown lifestyle. Kye will be at the suite with a sleeping bag, a pillow and three days worth of food. He will not be leaving the building the entire time.”

The open house occurred over the weekend of 23-26 January 2009. Even more exposure was gained with a live online video feed, Twitter updates and the ‘The 72 Hour Open House’ blog with Kye participating in the live chat on the online video feed. Kye even managed to get some sponsors - and a large number of the media - in on the act.

So is it a great idea or a nutty stunt? A tough market calls for creativity, and it certainly was a relatively cheap and innovative way to draw attention to a particularly unique property that had been through 3 realtors and after a year on the market still had not sold.

Funnily enough, with all that attention on the special 72 hour event, online blogging, tweeting and video steaming, Kye forgot one of the basics. As he wrote on his blog: “As crazy as it seems on the first day of The 72 Hour Open House I only gave out one business card to all the people that came through 21-120 Powell St, Vancouver.”

Grace is also the host of Property Egg TV, a live interactive web show that answers viewers questions on the real estate market.

Watch the CTV News report about Kye Grace’s 72 hour open house below:

And if you want to hear about it from the Vlogger of the moment, here is Ian Watt’s Vlog about Kye Grace’s 72 hour open house:

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