Welcome to a new weekly feature on propertyadguru.com where we take a look at the top stories in real estate technology from the past seven days.
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Welcome to a new weekly feature on propertyadguru.com where we take a look at the top stories in real estate technology from the past seven days.
Are your website visitors mostly buyers or sellers? Where are they looking to move to next? What are their real estate queries? If you don’t know the answers to these questions - but wish you did - website form builder Wufoo could be for you.
We knew social media websites were popular in Australia, but what we didn’t know until now was just how quickly Australian Internet users’ online habits are changing.
We heard about the dangers of spreading yourself too thin on social media in yesterday’s Agent Strategies, but for those agents who do have a number of active social profiles and want to showcase them in one place, about.me could be the answer.
In just a few weeks, Facebook Pages will undergo a major upgrade that should make promoting your real estate business that much easier. So what can you expect when Facebook flips the switch?
You’ve seen them in your inbox before - email newsletters that are missing pictures, full of error messages, or just plain blank. If you’ve ever stopped to wonder whether your email looks like this to some of your own subscribers, you might want to check out PreviewMyEmail.
You spend a good deal of your advertising budget on property portal listings, but have you ever wondered what the property portal business looks like from the other side? That’s what propertyadguru.com publisher Simon Baker has been talking about, along with the work his Classified Ad Ventures company is doing to help people in the real estate industry get the most out of their Internet marketing.
If you’ve never heard of QR codes (short for “quick response codes”) before, the best way to think of them is as a futuristic version of the humble supermarket barcode. But how are they useful in real estate marketing?
Real estate agents who are trying out Facebook Ads to promote their business will be interested in the latest research by Webtrends, which aimed to provide benchmarks for brands to monitor their campaigns against.
How long has it been since you updated your real estate website’s “about us” page? If your answer is “too long” you might want to look into inman.com award winner SocialBios - a new service claiming to provide “the ultimate ‘about us’ page that brings together all of your social network profile information in one place.”
Agent Strategies agent websites Australia Back to Basics blogs century 21 coldwell banker copywriting Customer Management email facebook FindaProperty.com Google Google AdWords google maps How to iPhone iPhone App leads Linkedin Listings mobile phones NAR National Association of Realtors Photos property portals realestate.com.au redfin.com rightmove.co.uk search engine marketing Search Engine Optimisation SEM SEO SOBOX top 10 tips trulia.com twitter UK US Video website spotlight widgets WordPress YouTube zillow.com
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