October 11, 2011

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AdWords Tips from Google

If you’re a fan of Google’s AdWords and you have one and a half minutes to spare, you might want to check out this latest video that gives some handy tips for AdWords campaigns.

Google uses digital cameras as their example in this video, but the same principles can be applied to text-based campaigns for real estate. This is what Google’s advice boils down to:

- Imagine what your audience is searching for, then use those words in your ad text. It helps to be more specific than “real estate [location]“. Even using the words “Buying a home in [location]?”, for example, tells people more about what you’re offering.

- What makes you stand out? Do you focus on a particular area, or have detailed knowledge of the local market? Mention your unique value proposition to give users a reason to click.

- Include a strong call to action in your text. Click here for a closer look at how calls to action work.

- Give people what they’re looking for after they click. If your ad is for homes for sale in a certain neighbourhood, link it to a section of your website that covers that neighbourhood. Similarly, if the ad is about you as an agent, link to a page that describes you and includes your contact details.

If you’ve never used AdWords before, spend some time on Google searching as if you were looking for real estate in your area. You’ll soon have plenty more ideas about which ads are enticing, and how you can make yours stand out from the competition.


Related posts:

  1. Agent Strategies: Focus on AdWords
  2. Google AdWords, SEO & Blogging: A UK Perspective – Part Two
  3. Google’s Results Now Highlight Location
  4. Small Screen – Big Opportunity
  5. Google AdWords, SEO & Blogging: A UK Perspective – Part One
  6. Video Promotion Streamlined with AdWords
  7. Google Gives Advice for Business Listings
  8. Google Instant: What Does It Mean for Marketers?
  9. Google Gives SEO Tips
  10. Top 10 Tips for Video Marketing/SEO



  1. [...] fan of Google’s AdWords and you have one and a half minutes to spare, you might want to check out this latest video that gives some handy tips for AdWords [...]

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