October 11, 2011

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Twitter Recommends: Time to Dive In?

Plenty of real estate agents out there are already using Twitter to gauge the mood of their market and communicate with potential clients. But judging by our recent Agent Strategies columns, Twitter isn’t yet seen as an essential part of online real estate marketing.

More than likely, at least some of the agents holding off on joining Twitter simply don’t know how to get started - after all, Twitter’s simple interface comes with few instructions. Over the past few days, however, a new “who to follow” feature has gone live that makes Twitter a whole lot easier to use.

If you haven’t yet signed up to Twitter and want to give it a try, here’s how to get started and make use of “who to follow”:

1. Open up twitter.com and sign up. As you’re adding your details, don’t forget to fill out your bio with information that promotes you as the go-to agent for your area.

2. Once you’re signed in to your new account, click “find people” and search for a few accounts to follow. Other agents you’ve met, a local news source, and an industry commentator or two would make for a good start.

3. Now comes the “who to follow” feature. Based on the people you’ve decided to follow, Twitter will now suggest more people to add to your collection. Not all these suggestions will be perfect, and some you may decide to “unfollow” after a day or two, but soon you should have a list of users that are actually bringing you valuable information.

As you start using Twitter for real estate marketing, you’ll find your efforts are most effective if you follow the basic principles applied to any other form of social media: listen first, and offer something of value when you do add content. Of course, we’ve got plenty more tips for real estate agents using Twitter, so have a read and get tweeting.


Related posts:

  1. 10 Reasons to Try Out Twitter
  2. Get More (Valuable) Twitter Followers
  3. Twitter: The Ultimate Time-Waster?
  4. Follow PropertyAdGuru on Twitter
  5. Twitter Influence: Can it Be Measured?
  6. Previously on Property Ad Guru: Twitter
  7. Agent Strategies: A Twitter Heavy Hitter
  8. Twitter for Real Estate: Are You Getting Too Personal?
  9. Top 10 Tips for Real Estate Agents Using Twitter
  10. Facebook vs Twitter 2010

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