Now we know that LinkedIn has passed the 100 million users milestone - most of which are in Europe, the UK, the US, and Australia/New Zealand - the next question is: Is your LinkedIn profile actually working for you?
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Now we know that LinkedIn has passed the 100 million users milestone - most of which are in Europe, the UK, the US, and Australia/New Zealand - the next question is: Is your LinkedIn profile actually working for you?
Sometimes social media seems to have a language all its own. Here’s our guide to 10 of the more mystifying terms that regularly pop up on the social web:
Still unsure how to establish a social media presence for your real estate business? Then take a look through this advice from David Gibbons, general manager of business development at real estate technology company Korbitec, on how property professionals should start out.
There are plenty of reasons why real estate agents should have a LinkedIn profile and make use of its features. One of these features is LinkedIn Groups, which gives members the chance to connect with professionals who work in their industry or share similar interests.
With more than 85 million members already, professional social networking site LinkedIn is now adding a new member every second. With this increased growth is it important for agencies and real estate agents to maximise this successful networking tool.
Are you using LinkedIn effectively? Do you know what LinkedIn can do for you and the best way to leverage your account? Here are five ways LinkedIn can make a difference to you and your business.
Real estate technology company rofo.com has just released a new application aimed at agents who want to showcase their skills and listings on LinkedIn.
A successful post isn’t just measured by what you say, but also how you say it. Do it right, and you’ll reap the rewards.
There’s no doubt social media has become a mainstay in our online lives. Whether it’s through a Facebook…
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