When it comes to website analytics, there’s a mess of information out there. We all know a good understanding of analytics is an important ingredient in website success. But if you’re short on time, it can help to zero in on a few key items. Today, we’ll look at the top five measures to focus on when sifting through your analytics data.
1. Unique visitors. In measuring your website’s success, it’s hard to go past the number of people visiting it. Increasing your unique visitor numbers could simply be a matter of promotion, or you may need to spend some time adding more quality content.
2. Popular content. Look at the pages that are attracting the most attention, then focus your energies on creating more of what your audience wants.
3. Bounce rate. We’ve looked at bounce rate in detail here. Put simply, a high bounce rate is a key indication that something about your website needs to change.
4. Referring keywords. Along with popular content, the keywords people use to get to your website are another way to discover what they are actually hoping to find when they get there.
5. Click stream. As we said in our discussion of online engagement, the way people move around your website shows what they are drawn to and what they ignore. This is just one more way you can find out what pleases your audience.
So, do you agree with our top five, or do you focus on different analytics areas? We’d love to hear your analytics tips and tricks in our comments.
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